Tuesday, April 24, 2007

More on Mobisodes

Here's an great follow-up on how to get Episodic paradigm work in the Mobile environment. http://blogs.mediapost.com/mobile_insider/?p=74 talks about Michael Eisner's new Vuguru group, which is producing daily mobisodes of a teen drama called Prom Queen.

Here's some great insight into the Mobisode equation:
" And yet, all of these elements actually make for good mobisodic TV. “Prom Queen” may be the first mobile video series that works with and for the platform. It comes in daily doses that are under two minutes. Unlike many of its predecessors, the daily and brief nature of the show invites routine viewing. Much like the 15-minute radio soaps of the 1940s or the newspaper comic strip, these shows are as regular as they are consumable. Getting a series like this into daily routine is going to be critical to the success of the format. A twice-weekly or once weekly series is too easily forgotten on a cluttered and inconvenience phone deck. Mobisode programmers should be emulating comic strips, not prime time. "

It also offers some insights on designing the plot of a Mobisode:
"Unlike a soap opera, we don’t pick up where the last episode left off so much as cycle around the cast and sub-plots. Each episode is modest in its goals, usually to introduce a single new insight about a character or a plot turn... What I like about the structure is that it challenges the audience to keep track of a reasonable set of characters and storylines without overwhelming them with detail and confusing paths."

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